Matter's of the Mind - Remind Group
Join the Remind Group to find tips activities and facts to help support and promote Mental Wellness for your family. Text @mattersof to 81010.
FREE LUNCH for the 2024-2025 School Year
A CEP Grant was awarded to our school system this past year, securing another year of FREE breakfast and lunch for all students. No paperwork required! If you would like to purchase extras, you may still apply money to your student's account through My School Bucks.
New Student-Parent Handbook
The handbook was approved for the 2024-2025 school year. There are changes to the dress code for this year.
Chilton County Schools New Hires
Check here to see who was hired at the latest board meetings.
Special Education- Destruction of Records
If you exited from a Chilton County school in the spring of 2019 and received any type of special education services (including gifted), you have the right to obtain your records with proper identification. After August 1, 2024, records will be properly destroyed according to State Department of Education guidelines. If you need additional information, please contact the Chilton County Board of Education, Special Education Department, (205) 280-2907.
Help us locate children with disabilities!
The Chilton County Board of Education has Child Find procedures in place to ensure that all children within our jurisdiction, ages birth to twenty-one, are identified, located and evaluated, regardless of the severity of the disability. Child Find procedures also apply to students who reside within our district who are enrolled in private schools, who are highly mobile, or who are suspected of having a disability even if they are progressing from grade to grade. For more information, contact the Chilton County Board of Education, Special Education Department at (205) 280-2907.
Transcript Requests
Any current or former student needing a transcript needs to access the records request link through CCBOE website. Any requests made through Parchment may not be honored.
Substitute Application Packet
A new substitute packet is now available (link below the calendar on the homepage) or you may pick up in person at the Board of Education. All packets must be completed before it will be submitted for approval.
PowerSchool Mobile App
Parents/Legal Guardians now have access to PowerSchool Mobile from Android and iOS devices! You can read bulletins and view student progress for all of your children with one parent or guardian account. Search for PowerSchool Mobile and download to your mobile device. When prompted, enter the district code: NDSZ. Then enter the PowerSchool user name and password that you created. Once logged in, you will have access to the same information that is in the parent/student portal.
Substitute Pay Increase
Click the link below for the Chilton County Schools approved substitute daily rate of pay effective January 1, 2021. Chilton County Schools encourages anyone interested in substituting to please see our system webpage for the Substitute Application Packet under "Human Resources". Any questions may be directed to the Central Office at 205-280-3000.
Alabama Admin Code 290-1-5
Vision Statement
"Cultivating Pathways to Success"
Mission Statement
"Nurturing Students from Childhood to Maturity"

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